Home Appliance & Tools

Korexq int'l is well aware of the importance of the products we frequently use in home. From the desk lamp, stove, water purifier, blender and other kitchen utensils to home maintenance tools, we trade various products necessary for day to day life. With strong durability and good performance, the quality of our offering is already proven and has been well recognized by Korean customers.

Main products : Desk Lamp, stove, water purifier, blender, other kitchen utensils, Household maintenance tools, etc.

- Cooking -

▶ Rice cooker

▶ Portable Gas Burner

Microwave Oven

Grilling Machine

▶ Blender

* ETC, at your inquiry

- Kitchen -

Water Purifier

▶ Coffee Maker

▶ Refrigerator

▶ Dish Washer

▶ Electric Kettle

* ETC, at your inquiry

- Home & General -

Washing Machine

Vacuum Cleaner


Desk Lamp, etc.

* ETC, at your inquiry

- Home Device & Tools-

Digital Door Lock

Home Tools Set

Electronic Hand Dryer

Automatic Air Freshener

* ETC, at your inquiry

Office : 820. W Space, 101, Dongtan-daero 23-gil, Hwaseong-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea Tel (Fax) : +82 (0)31 206 3409 / Mobile : +82 (0)10 6588 7173 / E-mail : sales@korexq.comCopyright (c) 2017 Korexq int'l. All Right Reserved. / Korexq int'l uses google business platform G Suite business.