Used Equipment & Vehicle

From the used Sedan to Heavy Equipment like excavator, truck, Korexq int'l has various business network in Korea. In line with 0% defect & strong durability motto, what we have been pursuing for in our Vehicle Biz sector is 'To optimize the business of our customers'. The vehicles & heavy equipment, Korexq int'l is dealing with, are various according to the industry and the actual purpose of supposed end-users. We are clearly aware of what we should bring to our customers in terms of the vehicle durability & its functionality. Please contact us to find out what we can do for you.

Main products : General Sedan, Excavator, Forklift Truck, Asphalt Finisher, Bulldozer, Wheel Loader, etc.

- Construction -

▶ Bulldozer ▶ Excavator ▶ Pay Loader

▶ Forklift Truck ▶ Scraper ▶ Dump Truck

▶ Crane & Hoist ▶ Motor Grader ▶ Roller

▶ Concrete Mixer Truck ▶ Concrete Pumping Car

▶ Concrete Batching Plant ▶ Asphalt Finisher

▶ Asphalt Mixing Plant * ETC, at your inquiry

- Agriculture -

▶ Tractor ▶ Combine Harvestor

▶ Rice-planting Machine ▶ Transplanting Machine

▶ Diesel Engine & Parts. * ETC, at your inquiry

Office : 820. W Space, 101, Dongtan-daero 23-gil, Hwaseong-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea Tel (Fax) : +82 (0)31 206 3409 / Mobile : +82 (0)10 6588 7173 / E-mail : sales@korexq.comCopyright (c) 2017 Korexq int'l. All Right Reserved. / Korexq int'l uses google business platform G Suite business.